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Friday, August 27, 2010

Veratrum Album

Veratrum Album is made from the White Hellebore plant.

Veratrum Album should always come to mind with sudden shock and collaspe.
Also remember Veratrum Album when diarrhea, vomiting, headache comes simultaneous with subsequent severe weakness.
Use for 1st Aid treatment in sunstroke; heat exhaustion; sudden collaspe; menstrual exhaustion; sudden shock with cold sweat and pale face.
Dosage and potency guidelines
Veratrum Album
Useful for:Key Symptoms:
Pulse feeble & rapid
Clammy sweat
SUDDEN COLLAPSEExtreme coldness, blueness & weakness
Cold sweat, especially on forehead
HEADACHEWith nausea, vomiting & diarrhea
Neck feels too weak to hold the head up
NAUSEAAggravated by drinking and least motion
Craves fruit, cold juicy things, ice, salt
VOMITINGAlternating with diarrhea
"Going both ways
Thirst for cold water, vomited as soon as swallowed
Profuse, violent retching and vomiting
DIARRHEACopious, watery
Forcibly evacuated
Painful cramping
Followed by great weakness and exhaustion
CONSTIPATIONLarge stools with much straining
Stool followed by exhaustion & cold sweat
From inactivity, with headache
CRAMPSCramps in calves
Cramps knotting abdomen and legs
COUGHChronic bronchitis in the aged
Unable to cough up mucus from chest
Hoarse, weak voice
Rattling in chest
Loud, barking, deep cough, followed by belching
Cough follows drinking cold water
Cough on entering warm room from cold air
Profuse flow, exhausting
Faints from least exertion
Painful menses with coldness, cold sweats, & diarrhea
Better from:Walking, Warmth, Covering, Cold drinks
Worse from:Night, Wet, Cold weather, Fright,
Lying down, Exertion, Hot Drinks,
Drinking, During stool, Least motion

Take 10 question self-quiz for quick insight on if Veratrum Album suits you.
1 Do you faint from even the slightest exertion?
2 Is your menstruation early, profuse, exhausting?
3 Do you suffer from leg cramps, abdominal, menstrual, with cold sweats?
4 Do your have constipation with abdominal pain, straining with cold sweats?
5 Do you experience diarrhea &/ or vomiting with a total exhaustion?
6 Are you worse with slightest motion?
7 Do you crave juicy fruits, ice, salt?
8 Does your illnes leave you feeling weak, exhausted, can't even hold your head up?
9 Are your symptoms worse from cold, wet weather, exertion, hot drinks?
10 Are your symptoms better from covering up warmly, cold drinks?

Your "YES" answers on the survey indicate symptoms that can be helped with Veratrum Album.
Veratrum Album is a good remedy to keep on hand for menstrual cramps, leg cramps etc.
Veratrum Album is made from the American Hellebore plant.
Veratrum Album should always come to mind with sudden shock and collapse.
Also remember Veratrum Album when diarrhea, vomiting, headache comes simultaneous with subsequent severe weakness. 
Use for 1st Aid treatment in sunstroke; heat exhaustion; sudden collapse; menstrual exhaustion; sudden shock with cold sweat and pale face. 
Veratrum Album Useful for: Key Symptoms:
HEAT EXHAUSTION Pallor Nausea Prostration Pulse feeble & rapid Clammy sweat Weakness 
SUDDEN COLLAPSE Extreme coldness, blueness & weakness Cold sweat, especially on forehead
HEADACHE With nausea, vomiting & diarrhea Neck feels too weak to hold the head up 
NAUSEA Aggravated by drinking and least motion Craves fruit, cold juicy things, ice, salt 
VOMITING Alternating with diarrhea "Going both ways Thirst for cold water, vomited as soon as swallowed Profuse, violent retching and vomiting 
DIARRHEA Copious, watery Forcibly evacuated Painful cramping Followed by great weakness and exhaustion 
CONSTIPATION Large stools with much straining Stool followed by exhaustion & cold sweat From inactivity, with headache 
CRAMPS Cramps in calves Cramps knotting abdomen and legs 
COUGH Chronic bronchitis in the aged Unable to cough up mucus from chest Hoarse, weak voice Rattling in chest Loud, barking, deep cough, followed by belching Cough follows drinking cold water Cough on entering warm room from cold air 
MENSTRUAL DISORDERS Menses too early Profuse flow, exhausting Faints from least exertion Painful menses with coldness, cold sweats, & diarrhea 
Better from: Walking, Warmth, Covering, Cold drinks 
Worse from: Night, Wet, Cold weather, Fright, Lying down, Exertion, Hot Drinks, Drinking, During stool, Least motion. 


The mineral Sulphur is found in every cell of the body. Sulphur is especially concentrated in the hair, skin and nails.

Sulphur is an extremely important homeopathic remedy. Sulphur has deep action on many systems of the body.
#1 Skin Remedy: unhealthy looking skin, dirty looking skin, red, exzema that is dry, hot, scaly, burning, itchy. Acne with rough, hard, red and irritated skin.

Homeopathic Sulphur is not the same as sulfa drugs or sulphur caused allergies.

See Our Newsletter #4 on Minimum Dose for more information. Homeopathic Sulphur is safe for sensitive individuals.

Sulphur is indicated for those who are worse with bathing, dislike bathing.

Sulphur includes indications for eye problems, inflammation of the cornea, burning, blephitis, conjuctivitis, worse with heat application.

Keynotes: Redness
Deep red mouth, anus
Useful for:Key Symptoms:
UNHEALTHYBurning heat, especially soles of feet
SKINOffensive sweat
Itching, dry & burning skin, made worse by bathing or scratching
Every little injury becomes infected
All orifices red: lips, eyelids, nose, anus
Aversion to bathing
ECZEMADry, scaly, flaking skin eruptions
Burning pain with much itching
ACNEItching, burning
Rough, hard, scaly skin
STYESChronically inflamed eyelids
Eyelids burn & itch, made worse by heat
CONJUNCTIVITISRed-rimmed, burning or ulcerated eyelids
COLDSNose stuffed indoors
Red, scabby eruptions about nose
Dry scabs in nose, bleed easily
DIGESTIVE DISORDERSDrinks much; eats little
Craves sweets & fats
Milk disagrees
Loves fats
"All gone" sensation about 11:00a.m.; must eat
NAUSEAOf pregnancy
CONSTIPATIONBurning anus with itching
Stools dry, bard & dark
Stool large & painful, held back because of pain
Pain from rectal fissure: feeling of "something left behind"
Ineffectual urging alternating with diarrhea
HEMORRHOIDSBurning & itching
DIARRHEAAlternating with constipation
Changeable stools: one yellow & watery, the next with slimy undigested food
Morning diarrhea drives patient out of bed
SHORTNESS OF BREATHIn middle of night
Relieved by sitting up
Sensation of a load on chest
Better from:Dry, warm weather , Lying on right side,
Atmospheric changes, Standing
Worse from:Bathing, Warmth of bed, Drawing up affected limbs,
Sweating, Open air, Motion

Take 10 question self-quiz for quick insight on if Sulphur suits you.
1 Do you have a tendency to catch colds easily?
2 Are you starved all of a sudden at 11 a.m.?
3 Do your feet smell, do you have offensive flatuence and sweat?
4 Do you have red scabby eruptions about the nose with your colds?
5 Do you have nightime shortness of breath, feel like pressure on your chest, better sitting up?
6 Do you experience constipation with burning, itching, ineffective straining?
7 Do you suffer from eye problems? Red eyelids, styes, itchy eyes?
8 Would you just as soon not bother with washing, bathing?
9 Are you symptoms worse from cold, dampness, a hot bed, sweating, bathing?
10 Are your symptoms better from lying on the right side, drinking water, from fresh warm air? 

Your "YES" answers on the survey indicate symptoms that can be helped with Sulphur. 
Sulphur is a remedy that is called a polycrest, meaning it can be used for various problems and effects various systems in the body.
Sulphur is a common homeopathic remedy for seasonal, constitutional, and chronic health concerns. Sulphur can help when well selected remedies have failed to act.
The mineral Sulphur is found in every cell of the body. 
Sulphur is especially concentrated in the hair, skin and nails and is a useful remedy for unhealthy skin and hair, acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rashes. Dry or scaly skin that feels worse with heat and water. Dry itchy scalp. 
An important Keynote with ailments helped with Sulphur is: symptoms of redness, itching, and burning. Sulphur may be helpful for burning or itchy skin, hangnails, hemorrhoids.
Sulphur includes indications for eye problems, inflammation of the cornea, burning, blephitis, conjuctivitis, worse with heat application. 
Better from: Dry, warm weather , Lying on right side, Atmospheric changes, Standing 
Worse from: Bathing, Warmth of bed, Drawing up affected limbs, Sweating, Open air, Motion 

Spongia Tosta

Spongia Tosta is made from roasted sponge from the sea.

Sponge contains significant amounts of iodine and bromine and used both allopathically and homeopathically to treat goitre, and other thyroid problems.
Keynotes are breathing difficulties from coughs, croup, asthma, heart conditions.
Spongia coughs have wheezing sounds with stubborn mucous.
Laryngitis with a raw burning sensation.Coughs preceded by a wheezing breath.
Children waking from sleep, scared from having difficulty breathing.
Spongia Tosta
Useful for:Key Symptoms:
COUGHHoarse, dry, barking cough, "like sawing through a board"
Lying down head low Cough from tickling in throat
Breathing harsh & dry sounding
Breathing difficult, as ifs plug in throat
Awakens with sensation of suffocation
CROUPAfter Aconite
Dry, barking, sawing cough
Wakes out of sleep with feeling of suffocation, loud violent cough, fright, and difficult breathing
Wheezing worse during inspiration
COLDSNose alternately runs and stops up
Eyes water, discharge mucus
Stitching, burning, stinging pain
Constantly clears throat
Throat sensitive to touch
HOARSENESSLarynx burning, dry, constricted
EXHAUSTIONHeaviness of body after slight exertion
Better from:Lying with head low, Swallowing
Worse from:Before midnight, Lying down, After sleep, Talking, Wind,
Exertion, After eating sweet things

Take 10 question self-quiz for quick insight on if Spongia Tosta suits you.
1 Do you have a harsh, dry, barking cough?
2 Do you have difficulty breathing with a sensation of a plug in the throat?
3 Do you have laryngitis, horseness?
4 Are you constantly clearing your throat?
5 Is your cough preceeded by a wheezing breath?
6 Do you have a heavy fatigued feeling after slight exertion?
7 Is your throat sore, burning, stinging, constricted?
8 Do you have thyroid problems?
9 Do you feel worse after eating sweets?
10 Are your symptoms worse at night (midnight), laying down? 

Your "YES" answers on the survey indicate symptoms that can be helped with Spongia Tosta.
Helpful with coughs and respiration. Helpful for swelling and induration of glands. Indicated in illness that come on slowly. Indicated for the following problems and accompanying symptoms: 
harsh, dry, barking cough.
croupy cough.
cough preceded by a wheezing breath.
cough with throat sore, burning, stinging, constricted.
better after drinking warm drinks.
Worse at night. 
difficulty breathing with a sensation of a plug in the throat?
laryngitis, hoarseness. Having to constantly clear throat
worse from eating sweets
support for Thyroid, Goitre 
RESPIRATION: dry air passages. 
worse after sleep
Cannot bear tight clothing.
PALPITATIONS, before menses, after midnight.
LARYNX: Hoarseness.
CROUP (Acon, Hep).
worse after talking, swallowing, touch. General Symptoms
WORSE: Before at night and midnight. Lying down With Heat, warm room. After Exertion, motion. With WARM DRINKS AND FOOD. After eating sweets
COMPLEMENTARY remedies: Hepar Sulphur. 

Ruta Graveolens, Ruta Grav

Ruta Graveolens, Ruta Grav, is made from the herb Rue.

Ruta Grav's keynotes are soreness in the bones, joints, tendons, and cartilage.
Ruta Grav is wondeful 1st Aid treatment for sprains, injuries, strain, bruises bones, pulled ligaments.
Sprains or fractures that aren't healing well indicate need for Ruta Grav. Ankle sprains; soreness in the feet, ankles, achilles heel, and lower back respond well with Ruta Grav.

This keynote of soreness around bones includes eyestrain. Eyes have a bruised sensation. Eyestrain from over reading or computer work. Eyes feel hot with difficulty focusing.
Ruta Grav
Useful for:Key Symptoms:
Eyes red, hot, burning
Dim vision
Pressure deep in eyeball or over eyebrow
HEADACHEFollowing eyestrain
Pain as if from nail
Heaviness, as if weight in forehead
INJURIES TO BONESBruised, lame sensation all over
Periosteum (bone covering) bruised
"Dry socket"
SPRAINSTendons & ligaments sore
Feet & ankles painful
Aching in heel tendon
Painful stiffness in wrists and hands
SCIATICAWorse at night while lying down
Pain from back down hips and thighs
BACKACHEDeep pains
Thighs feel broken
Relieved lying on back, by pressure
Weak, bruised feeling in low back
Better from:Lying on back, Motion, Warmth
Worse from:Cold, west weather, Being at rest, Lying down,
Cold, Overexertion, Cold wind, Sitting

Take 10 question self-quiz for quick insight on if Ruta Grav suits you.
1 Do you get headaches from eyestrain?
2 Do you have low back pain accompanied with restlessness?
3 Do your symptoms include the sensation, "as if bruised"?
4 Do you suffer from dental problem in the jaw, a deep aching pain, dry sockets after surgery?
5 Does your back feel better laying down?
6 Does your back pain feel better with firm pressure?
7 Do your sciatic pains travel down your hips into your thighs?
8 Do you have stiffness in the wrists and hands?
9 Do you have stiffness in the ankles and feet?
10 Are your symptoms better with warm applications, in the daytime, mild walks?

Your "YES" answers on the survey indicate symptoms that can be helped with Ruta Grav.
Ruta Grav is especially useful for backache, sore bones, joints, tendons, and cartilage.
Ruta Grav is wonderful 1st Aid treatment for sprains, injuries, strain, bruises bones, pulled ligaments. Sprains or fractures that aren't healing well indicate need for Ruta Grav. Ankle sprains; soreness in the feet, ankles, achilles heel, and lower back respond well with Ruta Grav.

The Book is "Homeopathy for Musculoskeleton". This book is a wonderful reference book that includes excellent sections on symptoms associated with Ruta Grav and other important remedies.

Rhus Tox

Research indicates that approximately 80% of all of us are presently suffering or have suffered from back pain. Reasons people see their doctor are #1 Back Pain; #2 Headaches. 

The first remedy that comes to mind when discussing back pain, arthritis, aches and pain is the remedy RHUS TOX. 

Rhus tox is often the remedy in Backache, Body aches during flu, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Sprains. Whether the pain is from an old injury or not, consider Rhus tox. Lifting heavy loads that cause bruised and sprained pains. Overlifting, with the sudden "crick" in the back, with pain worse with raising arms above the head. 


WORSE-- in the morning, yearly and weather change aggravation, cold and damp weather, overexertion. 

BETTER-- with movement, as the muscles start to warm up as one walks and does gentle exercises, warm, dry weather, rubbing the painful areas, change of position. Rhus tox people are restless since change of position improves their pain. Rhus tox nickname is "Rusty Hinge" and Rhus tox is often referred to as the "Rusty Gate Remedy". The back stiffens up after sitting still for awhile. This is also why mornings and initial motion are such an acute aggravations. 

Rhus Toxicodendron, Rhus Tox, is the #1 arthritis and joint remedy. Keynote is: pain is better after the person is up, moving about and muscles and joints are warm.
Remember Rhus Tox for the flu season! Keynotes are flu symptoms with general aches in the muscles, joints, and bones.
Rhus Tox is from Poison Ivy. Rhus Tox is a remedy for skin ailments such as, shingles hives, fever blisters, chicken pox, poison ivy , and rashes with poison ivy appearance.
Keynote is: red spots, very itchy, with burning and swollen vesicles.

Rhus Tox main features:
Muscle sprains, strains
Joint stiffness
Restlessness (physically and mentally)

Better with motion

Worse first thing in the morning
Coughs from midnight til morning
Skin ailments, red, itchy, with swelling
Rhus Tox
Useful for:Key Symptoms:
 Restlessness, both physically & mentally
SORE MUSCLESFrom overexertion
RHEUMATIC"Rusty gate" syndrome; less painful when limbered up
PAINSPain & stiffness in small of back, nape of neck
SCIATICATearing pains down thighs
INFLUENZAAching in all bones
Can't lie still, restless
COLD SOREAfter cold or influenza
Tongue dry & red tipped
HOARSENESSFrom over straining voice
COUGHDry, teasing cough
Coughs from midnight until morning
Coughs on putting hands out of bed
Coughs during a chill
IVY POISONINGIntense itching & burning
HIVESRed, swollen, itching
CHICKEN POXIntense itching
Better from:Continued motion, Warm applications, Cold,
Lying on something hard, Rubbing, Change of position, Warm
Dry weather, Walking, Stretching out limbs
Worse from:Beginning motion, During sleep or rest, Dampness, While sitting,
After rain, Lying on back or right side

Take 10 question self-quiz for quick insight on if Rhus Tox suits you.
1 Is your arthritis worse first thing in the morning?
2 Are your symptoms accompanied with physical restlessness and mental despondency?
3 Do you cough after a chill from midnight until 5 p.m.?
4 Are your flu symptoms accompanied with muscle, joint or bone pain? Sore all over?
5 Does your back pain include pain and stiffness in the small of the back and nape of neck?
6 Are your symptoms worse after prolonged sitting or inactivity?
7 Are your symptoms better after a walk, mild activity?
8 Do sciatic symptoms come on afterexposure to cold or dampness?
9 Do you suffer from regular poison ivy breakouts?
10 Do you suffer from rashes and itchy skin?

Your "YES" answers on the survey indicate symptoms that can be helped with Rhus tox. 
You may benefit from using Rhus tox for both seasonal and chronic problems. 
Rhus Tox is the number 1 remedy for arthritis where the main symptom is worse after prolonged inactivity and therefore worse in the morning. With symptoms feeling better after the joints warm up after mild exercise.


Pulsatilla is made from the Windflower.

The flower grows in clusters, indicative of how a Pulsatilla types are happiest around others. A Pulsatilla child is timid at first and seems happiest hanging on mother's skirts.

Pulsatilla types are basically gentle and can be persuaded to cooperate and change viewpoints easily, like the winds changing the direction of the Windflower.
Pulsatilla children and mothers are usually blond, blue eyed, sympathetic, easily brought to tears (the romatic Pulsatilla teen watching a movie many times with tears, the Pulsatilla mom crying over a child's gift of wilted flowers).

Pulsatilla covers many female complaints, such as varicose veins, cystitis, edema, overweight, menstrual difficulties, depression (better with sympathy and attention.
Pulsatilla covers many childhood complaints and should be in every family home. Indications include earache (stopped feeling), cough (gagging, bringing up yellow mucous), colds with heavy yellow discharge.

Keynotes: Light Hair, Blue Eyes
Seeks cool places, open windows (even in Winter) ,fresh air
Menstrual, Female Complaints
Useful for:Key Symptoms:
MOODINESSRapid change in mood
Sensitive & tearful
Extremes of pleasure & pain
Craves sympathy & attention
COLDSNose runs in open air
Nose stuffy indoors and at night
"Ripe" cold
Thick, creamy, yellow nasal discharge
Sticky discharge from eyes
Fever, but no thirst
STYESEspecially on upper lid
COUGHGagging, choking, in paroxysms
Cough dry in evening, loose in morning
Brings up thick yellow mucus
Feels as if weight on chest; must sit up for relief
EARACHEFeels as if ears are stopped
Severe throbbing pain, worse at night
External ear swollen & red
Thick, yellow, bland discharge
INDIGESTIONAverse to fat food
Averse to warm food and drink
Dry mouth without thirst
Bitter taste
Painful stomach about an hour after eating
Weight like a stone in stomach
Must loosen clothing
BREASTFEEDINGTo dry up mother's milk when no longer needed
MENSTRUAL DISORDERDelayed onset of menses
Intermittent flow
Flow scanty, painful
Flow thick, dark, clotted
Bearing down sensation
Very emotional
Nausea, vomiting
FAINTINGFrom hot, stuffy atmosphere
INSOMNIAFrom recurrent thoughts
Wide awake in evening
Better from:Open air, Cold applications, Motion
Worse from:Warmth, Overheating, Toward evening,
Lying on left side, Lying on painless side

Take 10 question self-quiz for quick insight on if Pulsatilla suits you.
1 Do you like sympathy and consideration for your problems?
2 Do you get colds with thick yellow-green discharge, loss of smell?
3 Do you like the windows open with fresh cold air?
4 An hour after eating do you feel a painful weight in your stomach?
5 Do you dislike warm food, warm drinks, fatty foods?
6 Do you (or those around you) notice a rapid change in your moods or beliefs?
7 Are you thirstless?
8 Do you cry at movies?
9 Are your symptoms worse in the evening, night, with overheating?
10 Are your symptoms better from cold air, slow gentle motion?

Your "YES" answers on the survey indicate symptoms that can be helped with Pulsatilla. 
Pulsatilla is a remedy that is called a polycrest, meaning it can be used for various problems and effects various systems in the body. 
Pulsatilla is a common homeopathic remedy for seasonal, constitutional, and chronic health concerns.
Pulsatilla types can be fair color in hair and skin and eyes. They like sympathy and show emotion more readily than other people. 
Pulsatilla is from the Windflower. Like the Windflower blowing in the breeze, Pulsatilla people have changeable symptoms, both physically and emotionally. 
Pulsatilla is one of the most frequently indicated remedies for infant and childhood health concerns. 
Colic of infants. Stomach pain, gas. Drawing pain, legs pulled up. Restlessness of infants. Cracked, dry skin. 
Pulsatilla matches the ill child who is extra clingy and whiny. This child has the changeable symptoms, physically and emotionally. May be happy one minute and very sad the next minute. 
Pulsatilla is indicated for earaches with red swollen external ears. Nose and ears feel stopped up, colds where there is a loss of smell. Earaches following colds. Pulsatilla is a common sinus remedy. 
Pulsatilla is indicated for sinus complaints with excess mucous, often yellow or yellow-green mucous that is worse in the morning. Generally symptoms are worse at night and in a warm room. 
For women, Pulsatilla is indicated for PMS, late periods, cramps, aching pain. 
Pulsatilla in helpful for colds, coughs, indigestion, and moodiness. Pulsatilla types are often fair color in hair and skin and eyes. They like sympathy and express their emotions easily, they weep openly at sad movies. Pulsatilla types like to have a window open for fresh air. 
Better with: sympathy, fresh air 
Worse with: in a warm room, at night 
Additional Indications: Rosacea with rash like blotches. Restless Leg Syndrome. Stomach pain, gas. Drawing pain in legs. Sleep problems, restless, sleepiness, chilliness. Nose and ears feel stopped up. Cracked, dry lips. 


Phosphorus, Phos, is very common in the body, found in the bones, teeth, DNA, body fluids. Homeopathic Phoshorus is made from the phoshorus in bone ash.

Phosphorus is flammable and used in fireworks.Phosphorus is a common remedy for children and adults. They are generally pleasant and easy to get along with, but watch out if they are overirritated, since they'll ignite and show their anger. They may strike out or fizzle and sulk.
Phoshorus children may look pale, have dark circles under the eyes. They may be bedwetters. When ill, it may not be apparent how really ill they are.

Phosphorus people may be artisitc and dress flamboyantly. They make their choices and decisions easily, when those around them are being indecisive.
Phosphorus is a major respirtory remedy, suitable for people prone to deep coughs and bronchitis.

First aid treatment includes helping to clot blood in dental surgeries, minor hemmorages, nosebleeds, etc.

Keynotes: Right Sided Complaints
Skin- hard to heal when injuried
Sensitive to stress, environment
Useful for:Key Symptoms:
Fearful, especially of the dark, ghosts
BLEEDINGProfuse bleeding anywhere
Usually bright red
Dental hemorrhage
Postoperative bleeding
PALLORPale, sickly complexion
May have circumscribed redness in one or both cheeks
Often appears less ill than really is
HOARSENESSMay lose voice
LARYNGITISPainful on speaking
Throat raw, sore, furry
Violent tickling in throat while speaking;
sore throat from overuse
COLDSDescend into chest
COUGHSHard, dry, tickling cough
Racking cough with trembling
Cough increases when talking or breathing cold air
Cough hurts throat
Sensation of heavy weight in chest
Burning pains in stomach and bowels
Night sweats
INDIGESTIONWeak, empty, gone sensation in whole abdominal cavity
Craves cold food & drink
Pain in stomach, relieved by cold food & ices
Regurgitates mouthfuls
NAUSEAFrom placing hands in warm water
Nausea of pregnancy
VOMITINGOf food scarcely swallowed
Vomits as soon as water becomes warm in stomach
Sour taste and belching
DIARRHEAPainless, profuse, debilitating
Watery, "pouring away as if from a hydrant"
Morning diarrhea of old people
Chronic loose stool
CONSTIPATIONStool slender, long, hard, difficult to pass, like a dog's stool
Better from:Open air, Rubbing, Cold food or drink
Worse from:Lying on painful side, Physical or mental exertion,
Thunderstorms , Change of weather,
Getting wet in hot weather, Warm food, Touch,
Craves open air
Thirstless with nearly all complaints

Take 10 question self-quiz for quick insight on if Phosphorus suits you.
1 Do you love ice water and cold drinks? (may even throw up after warmed up in stomach.)
2 Are you breathless and have palpitations from slight exertion?
3 Is your cough worse in the evening and at night?
4 Do your fears include the dark, ghosts, sleeping alone, thunderstorms?
5 Is your complexion pale?
6 Are your symtoms worse on the left side and laying on the left side?
7 Do your hands crack, burn, slow to heal?
8 Is your cough hard, dry, hurts in the chest?
9 Are your symptoms worse from seasonal changes, after chilled or wet?
10 Are your symptoms better from deep rubs, cold food and drinks?

Your "YES" answers on the survey indicate symptoms that can be helped with Phosphorus. 
Phosphorus is from the element Phosphorus. Phosphorus is a major mineral is our body. Phosphorus is found in the bones,teeth, DNA, etc.
Homeopathic Phosphorus is an important remedy for basic constitutional treatment, first aid treatment in nosebleeds, coughs and colds, chronic conditions such as anxiety, nervousness, and digestive problems. respiratory conditions of asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tightness in chest, dry lingering coughs. 
Phosphorus is the element used on match heads. Phosphorus types are like a match head, in being happy to be with others, getting along with others, can be lively. They can also without warning ignite and be agitated or upset. And like a burned out match they fizzle without sufficient health care or rest.
Phosphorus types are happy pleasant, sociable, yet can be happy on their own. When ill they are better around others and with attention. Optimistic and enjoy life.
They are pale in skin coloring. They are the palest in the family photo. Hair often has a lot of red highlights.
They are good dressers, even the men like to wear colors and be flamboyant. They are honest and enjoy a variety of talents. When out of balance though they can flare up instantly. Skin problems and rashes can become chronic and take a long time to heal.
The emotional balance is often the missing element. Phosphorus need balance, plenty of rest, and stress kept at a minimum. Weak areas are digestive system, skin, left side, respiratory system, nervous system, circulatory system. Phosphorus types like spicy foods, cold foods, especially ice creams, cheese. Milk and fish can upset their stomach. Often does not like thunderstorms, the dark, fears being ill. Better as the day goes on, fresh air, better after a meal, much improvement after a rest. Keynotes: Vomit as soon as cold food warms in the stomach. Bleeding- nose bleeds, bleeding gums, heavy menstrual flow. Burning pains- heartburn, sore throats, ulcers. Worse from mental and physical exertion, temperature or weather changes. 

Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica is the major digestive remedy used by many homoeopaths.
Nux Vomica helps with nausea, sour burping, bloating a few hours after eating, indigestion, heartburn and digestion after effects after eating rich foods, spicey foods or overeating.
Consider this remedy for the nausea of pregnancy and when certain foods cause nausea, indigestion and/or vomiting.
No home should be without Nux Vomica over the holiday season. Fast relief from the gas and indigestion of holiday overeating. 

For constitutional prescribing see your homeopath. The Nux person is sometimes called the 20th century type A personality. This makes Nux an important remedy to consider with symptoms resulting from our hectic pace of life The Nux person is On the Go, Life in the Fast Lane, eating fast foods, overeating, overdrinking. A Nux Vomica boss demands perfection from those around him and not always easy to get along.
Nux Vomica, Nux, is made from the Poison Nut Tree, a tree from the Far East.
Nux is a useful remedy and used for first aid , chronic conditions and constitutional prescribing.

Mental Strain from overworking
Nux Vomica

Useful for:Key Symptoms:
MENTALIrritable, impatient
Oversensitive to noise light, touch, odors
For bad effects of over-indulgence in work or play,
"workaholics," sedentary life style
HEADACHE"Hangover headache," from over-indulgence in rich food or drink
Splitting pain in back of head or over eyes,as if nail driven in
Frontal pain, desire to press head against something
Scalp sore to touch
Headache in sunshine
Associated with stomach problems
Sour vomiting
Nausea of pregnancy
Feels there would be relief from vomiting, but can't bring it about
INDIGESTIONBelching, sour & bitter
Bloating of abdomen few hours after eating
Overindulgence in rich food, coffee, liquor
Frequent, ineffective urging to stool
"Something left behind"
To help relieve the laxative habit
Relieved by cool bathing
COLDSEarly stages
Attacks of sneezing
Nose runs during day
Nose stopped at night
Sniffles of infants
Sore throat
ASTHMAAttack often follows stomach upset with much belching
Oppressed breathing with shallow respiration
COUGHSDry, tickling cough with sore throat and chest
Sensation that cough tears something loose in chest
Coughing spells end in retching
Cough brings on bursting headache
Tight, hacking, dry cough
INFLUENZACannot get warm
Chilly from least movement under covers
Shivering, especially after drinking
Cramping pains causing urge to stool
Ineffectual urge to vomit
INSOMNIAAfter mental strain
Cannot sleep for thoughts of day's work
Cannot sleep after 3:00a.m. until morning; wakes feeling miserable
Better from:Evening, Strong pressure, Eating, Warmth,
Touch, Rest, Spices
Worse from:Mental exertion, Anger, Dry weather
Stimulants: coffee, liquor, narcotics, thunderstorms

Take 10 question self-quiz for quick insight on if Nux Vomica suits you.
1Are you sensitive to noise, light, odors? 
2 Do you suffer indigestion, bloating, burping from overeating?
3 Are you a workaholic?
4 Do you like fatty foods, rich foods, spicey foods?
5 Are you a perfectionist and expect the same from others?
6 Do you suffer from hangovers? 
7 Do you wake at 4 a.m. and can't go back to sleep? 
8 Do you suffer from heartburn?
9 Are your symptoms worse from stimulants, not enough sleep, overeating?
10 Are your symptoms better in the evening, from eating, warmth, rest?

Yes answers on the survey indicate strongly Nux Vomica indications. 
Your answers indicate that Nux Vomica suits your basic temperament well (waking at 4 am, workaholic) and that you will probably benefit from Nux Vomica for basic health problems as well as temporary acute problems.
Your answers indicate that Nux Vomica suits your sensitivity to noise, light and your indigestion, bloating, burping from overeating.

Nux Vomica is an excellent remedy for overeating, stomach ailments, stress from overuse of stimulants.
Nux is the major digestive remedy used by many homeopaths.
This remedy helps with nausea, sour burping, bloating a few hours after eating, indigestion, heartburn, after effects of overeating, eating rich foods, spicy foods.
Help for nausea of pregnancy and where different foods cause indigestion or vomiting.
No home should be without Nux Vomica over the holiday season. Relief from the gas and indigestion of overeating. 
Safe for any age. A good family remedy. 

Mercurius Vivus

Useful for:Key Symptoms:
 Sweating, without relief
Weakness & trembling
Unpleasant odor about individual
SOREBluish, red swelling
THROATSalivation, profuse, fetid, metallic-tasting
TONSILLITISConstant desire to swallow
Pain into ear on swallowing
Large, flabby tongue; teeth prints on side
Moist, white or yellow coated tongue
Sore, raw, smarting, burning throat
Worse right side of throat
Swollen neck glands
COLDSBegin with creeping chilliness, sneezing
Profuse, watery nasal discharge
Thick, green nasal discharge
Nose & upper lip sore from nasal discharge
BAD BREATHMuch foul smelling saliva
EARACHEAbscessed ears
Sticking pains
TOOTHACHEPulsating, tearing, shooting into face or ears
MOUTHSwollen gums
Crowns decay
Teeth loose, tender
Teeth feel too long
Gums spongy, receding, bleed easily
BOILSGum boils
Tendency to boils anywhere
DIARRHEASlimy, bloody stool
Unproductive straining, "cannot finish" sensation
CYSTITISFrequent urging
Painful urination Burning at start of urination
Better from:Being at rest
Worse from:Night, Warmth of bed, During perspiration,
Heat & cold, Damp weather

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