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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Arsenicum Album

Arsenicum Album is an important polycrest, meaning that its indications can be for every organ and system in the body. Boericke tells us, "Arsenicum Album's general symptoms often alone lead to its successful application."
Arsenicum is a common remedy for both acute and chronic problems. Arsenicum is found in homeopathic kits for good reason. Arsenicum is a constitutional remedy.

As a constitional remedy, Arsenicum Album can be suited to fastidious and tidy persons, meticulous at work and home. Arsenicum types are effective hard workers. They like variety in their jobs to make their restlessness and constant motion. Music, dance, exercise can be important to them. Arsenicum Album people feel better with warm food and drink.When ill, they can feel extremely exhausted.
Arsenicum is often considered a right sided remedy, meaning that symptoms may be worse on the right.

For animal lovers, make note of Arsenicum as a wonderful remedy for animals.
Calming a nervous, restless animal. Horses suffering from overexhaustion.
Arsenicum Album is made from Arsenious Acid .

Arsenic has a notorious history as a poison used for murders. The victim dies in agony with violent burning pains, vomiting, cramping, Mental agony also with a fear of death and need to be around others. In its homeopathic form, Arsenicum Album cures the symptoms that Arsenic causes.
Homeopathic Law of Similars is based on certain characteristic symptoms being the key to choosing a remedy.
A substance which may in a large dose cause undesirable symptoms, can in homeopathic potency repel these similar symptoms out of your system and the body rebalances and heals.
Law of Potentization is that homeopathy uses the smallest dose to effect a cure. By extreme dilution and Homeopathic potentization, curative properties are enhanced and
poisonous and undesirable side effects ameliorated. Holistic Principle-the remedy is chosen to treat the totality of symptoms. Symptoms are sign posts that lead up to the remedy that can remove the blockage to healing. Provings are documented human tests of substances.They indicate symptoms that remedies can then treat in ill individuals.
Remember that Homeopathy differs from other therapies in its effectiveness and safety for all ages.
Keynote Summary:

Burning Sensations. Burning discharges.
Symptoms that burn yet improved by heat application
Anxious and restless.
Skin ailments.
Calming nervous animals.

Better from:warm food and drink, in the Summer
head raised
heat application

Worse from: often worse on the right side
cold drink, highly seasoned food, after incorrect food combination, after drinking alcohol
midnight to 2 a.m. 
Arsenicum Album
Useful In:Key Symptoms:
ANXIETYAnxious & restless. Moves about all the time.
thinks it's worthless to take remedy.
ASTHMAShortness of breath. Feeling of suffocation on lying down;
Onset midnight or soon after
COLDSProfuse, burning, watery nasal discharge with sneezing, irritating nose & upper lip;
eyes & nose red; cold tends to go down into chest
DIARRHEAScanty, dark, offensive stool with burning pain in anus, followed by great weakness;
after eating or drinking;
from too much fruit or iced drinks
EYESAching, burning and shooting pains in the eyes.
Watering eyes worse in bright light or motion. Pink eye- red, swollen.
granulated lids; tears hot & burning with intense aversion to light
FOOD POISONINGPrime remedy in ptomaine poisoning;especially after tainted meat or spoiled food;
vomiting & purging, "going both ways at once"
FLUChilly, restless, anxious, peevish;
fears death;
burning pains relieved by heat;
thirsty for sips of cold water;
red hot, needle-like pains;
feels as if ice-water or boiling water running through veins
SKINTop remedy for skin ailments-psoriasis, flaky scalp, dry eczema.
Symptoms that burn yet improved by heat application. Feels better in the Summer.
Children who have skin that is dry and rough.
Symptoms are often worse on the right side, with cold applications, and
after eating offending foods or drinking alcohol.
Itching, burning, swelling, skin eruptions. Dry, scaly skin.
SORE THROATBurning in pharynx;
difficulty swallowing;
thirsty for sips of cold water, but stomach intolerant
STOMACHIndigestion, heartburn with burning.
difficulty swallowing;
with nausea & intense thirst
vomiting simultaneous with diarrhea

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