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Friday, August 27, 2010

Veratrum Album

Veratrum Album is made from the White Hellebore plant.

Veratrum Album should always come to mind with sudden shock and collaspe.
Also remember Veratrum Album when diarrhea, vomiting, headache comes simultaneous with subsequent severe weakness.
Use for 1st Aid treatment in sunstroke; heat exhaustion; sudden collaspe; menstrual exhaustion; sudden shock with cold sweat and pale face.
Dosage and potency guidelines
Veratrum Album
Useful for:Key Symptoms:
Pulse feeble & rapid
Clammy sweat
SUDDEN COLLAPSEExtreme coldness, blueness & weakness
Cold sweat, especially on forehead
HEADACHEWith nausea, vomiting & diarrhea
Neck feels too weak to hold the head up
NAUSEAAggravated by drinking and least motion
Craves fruit, cold juicy things, ice, salt
VOMITINGAlternating with diarrhea
"Going both ways
Thirst for cold water, vomited as soon as swallowed
Profuse, violent retching and vomiting
DIARRHEACopious, watery
Forcibly evacuated
Painful cramping
Followed by great weakness and exhaustion
CONSTIPATIONLarge stools with much straining
Stool followed by exhaustion & cold sweat
From inactivity, with headache
CRAMPSCramps in calves
Cramps knotting abdomen and legs
COUGHChronic bronchitis in the aged
Unable to cough up mucus from chest
Hoarse, weak voice
Rattling in chest
Loud, barking, deep cough, followed by belching
Cough follows drinking cold water
Cough on entering warm room from cold air
Profuse flow, exhausting
Faints from least exertion
Painful menses with coldness, cold sweats, & diarrhea
Better from:Walking, Warmth, Covering, Cold drinks
Worse from:Night, Wet, Cold weather, Fright,
Lying down, Exertion, Hot Drinks,
Drinking, During stool, Least motion

Take 10 question self-quiz for quick insight on if Veratrum Album suits you.
1 Do you faint from even the slightest exertion?
2 Is your menstruation early, profuse, exhausting?
3 Do you suffer from leg cramps, abdominal, menstrual, with cold sweats?
4 Do your have constipation with abdominal pain, straining with cold sweats?
5 Do you experience diarrhea &/ or vomiting with a total exhaustion?
6 Are you worse with slightest motion?
7 Do you crave juicy fruits, ice, salt?
8 Does your illnes leave you feeling weak, exhausted, can't even hold your head up?
9 Are your symptoms worse from cold, wet weather, exertion, hot drinks?
10 Are your symptoms better from covering up warmly, cold drinks?

Your "YES" answers on the survey indicate symptoms that can be helped with Veratrum Album.
Veratrum Album is a good remedy to keep on hand for menstrual cramps, leg cramps etc.
Veratrum Album is made from the American Hellebore plant.
Veratrum Album should always come to mind with sudden shock and collapse.
Also remember Veratrum Album when diarrhea, vomiting, headache comes simultaneous with subsequent severe weakness. 
Use for 1st Aid treatment in sunstroke; heat exhaustion; sudden collapse; menstrual exhaustion; sudden shock with cold sweat and pale face. 
Veratrum Album Useful for: Key Symptoms:
HEAT EXHAUSTION Pallor Nausea Prostration Pulse feeble & rapid Clammy sweat Weakness 
SUDDEN COLLAPSE Extreme coldness, blueness & weakness Cold sweat, especially on forehead
HEADACHE With nausea, vomiting & diarrhea Neck feels too weak to hold the head up 
NAUSEA Aggravated by drinking and least motion Craves fruit, cold juicy things, ice, salt 
VOMITING Alternating with diarrhea "Going both ways Thirst for cold water, vomited as soon as swallowed Profuse, violent retching and vomiting 
DIARRHEA Copious, watery Forcibly evacuated Painful cramping Followed by great weakness and exhaustion 
CONSTIPATION Large stools with much straining Stool followed by exhaustion & cold sweat From inactivity, with headache 
CRAMPS Cramps in calves Cramps knotting abdomen and legs 
COUGH Chronic bronchitis in the aged Unable to cough up mucus from chest Hoarse, weak voice Rattling in chest Loud, barking, deep cough, followed by belching Cough follows drinking cold water Cough on entering warm room from cold air 
MENSTRUAL DISORDERS Menses too early Profuse flow, exhausting Faints from least exertion Painful menses with coldness, cold sweats, & diarrhea 
Better from: Walking, Warmth, Covering, Cold drinks 
Worse from: Night, Wet, Cold weather, Fright, Lying down, Exertion, Hot Drinks, Drinking, During stool, Least motion. 

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